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Notification of marriage or registered partnership


Advance information

What you need to know before reporting your marriage online

You can also use the online report marriage to plan a registered partnership. The same rules and conditions apply to the registered partnership. Where you read "marriage or getting married" you can also read "entering into a registered partnership.

What does it entail?

With this form, you communicate to us:

  • the wedding date (if you change, you will pay a fee)
  • the location
  • your preference for a wedding officiant
  • the witnesses

Then you complete the notification by paying via Ideal (this obviously does not apply to a free wedding).

What documents do you need?

The documents below must be sent with the application. Make sure you have these ready digitally before filling out the form.

  • Copy ID proof prospective (bridal) couple
  • Copy ID proof of all witnesses


A marriage requires a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 witnesses. Please note that the partner who registers first passes on all witnesses. It is also possible to request 2 witnesses from the municipality. More information and an overview of the costs can be found at

Details of your parents

To make the notification, it is necessary that your parents' details are known in your home municipality. If you were born abroad, this is not always registered. You can check this at 

Filling in together

While filling in, you will be asked to log out so that your partner can log in with DigiD and thus complete the notification. This means that your partner finally pays for the notification (via iDeal) and sends it to us.