Assessment framework Subsidy scheme Culture Coaches Zoetermeer

1. Framework

The Culture Coaches Subsidy Scheme Zoetermeer facilitates the deployment of a Culture Coach. The Culture Coach is committed to strengthening and broadening cultural education and cultural participation, achieving the following goals:

  1. Local and district-oriented cultural offerings
    The demand-oriented realization of on-site offerings, initiating sustainable partnerships and community building in the district. Connecting to existing demands in the district, with partners in both the social and cultural domain.
  2. Connecting in and with culture
    Efforts to achieve cooperation with and between amateur and professional organizations in the city, thereby creating innovative and sustainable partnerships within and outside the cultural landscape in the city. Creating innovative offerings with these partners with the aim of making culture more accessible and inclusive. The starting point for this is the local approach on behalf of prevention, health and social basis.
  3. Youth talent development.
    Develop programming that allows for youth talent development within the institution's themes. Examples include experience programs, talent competitions and coaching learning programs. 

These objectives follow the line Administrative agreements Brede Regeling Combinatiefuncties 2023-2026 (pdf), the plan Integral working towards a healthy city (pdf) and the Culture Vision 2030 (pdf)

The budget available for the scheme is determined by the college. The amount available for subsidy will be distributed on the basis of a ranking of the applications that meet the threshold conditions of the subsidy scheme Cultuurcoaches Zoetermeer and receive 70 points or more in the consideration form, whereby the application with the highest number of points obtained will be the first to be considered for subsidy.

2. Consideration Framework

2.1 System of applications

Grant applications are submitted in the period June 1 to August 31 for the following calendar year, in accordance with ASV Article 5, paragraph 1, of the ASV Zoetermeer 2016. With the exception of applications for calendar year 2024, for which an application period of November 6 to December 31 applies. 

The applicant shall provide the following forms:

  • Questionnaire Subsidy Scheme Culture Coaches Zoetermeer: this explains the deployment of the requested Culture Coach at the cultural institution, also substantiates how the applicant complies with the Fair Practice Code.  
  • Budget: herein is provided a financial justification for the deployment of the Culture Coach, also the applicant shows the amount from its own resources to be used as a "working budget" to carry out the intended activities and plans of and for the Culture Coach.

2.2 Assessment

The municipality uses 3 considerations when evaluating applications:

  1. The threshold conditions.
  2. A substantive consideration.
  3. A business consideration.

Threshold conditions

Content consideration determines whether the application meets the purpose of the grant program. An official committee considers the content of the applications. This committee investigates the plausibility that the application does indeed contribute to the goal of the subsidy scheme. In this, the following aspects are considered:

  • Does the use of the Culture Coach contribute to the applicant's development (20pts)?
  • Does the Cultural Coach contribute to the 3 objectives that follow from the purpose of the grant scheme? (40pts)

Content consideration

Content consideration determines whether the application meets the purpose of the grant program. An official committee considers the content of the applications. This committee investigates the plausibility that the application does indeed contribute to the goal of the subsidy scheme. In this, the following aspects are considered:

  • Does the use of the Culture Coach contribute to the applicant's development (20pts)?
  • Does the Cultural Coach contribute to the 3 objectives that follow from the purpose of the grant scheme? (40pts)

Business consideration

The business consideration concerns the likelihood of success and effectiveness of the plans. The business consideration of applications is provided by an official committee. In this, the following aspects are considered:

  • To what extent is there effective use of the Cultural Coach (20pts)?
  • Will the effects achieved be sustainably secured? (10pts)
  • Is there a monitoring and evaluation cycle? (10pts)

3. Procedure

3.1 Assessment

  1. The application is first "tested" against the threshold requirements. If the application does not immediately meet the threshold, the applicant is notified and given the opportunity to still meet the threshold.
  2. Applications that meet the threshold requirements will be reviewed for content and business in an official committee through a point system. Applications achieving less than 70 of the total 100 points will be rejected.

3.2 Selection and weighting

Once all applications have been reviewed and discussed, the distribution of the budget made available proceeds as follows:

  • Applications with 70 or more points are ranked by the committee in order of the number of points awarded. Then, based on the number of points, the committee awards an advisory amount for each (honored) application.

3.3 Decision

The Board, taking note of the official committee's advice, makes the final decision on the grant award. The applicant will be notified of this (within 13 weeks) in the form of a provisional grant decision. The applicant can then object to that decision. How this is done is stated in the decision.