Making an appointment
Appointments public counters
Address Public Square: Engelandlaan 502
Picking up travel documents
Note! You must pick up a requested travel document within 3 months or it will be destroyed.
Opening hours
Making an appointment
The appointments below can be arranged online. For all other appointments, please call 14 079 first. Deaf, hard of hearing and people with speech difficulties can call us through Teletolk.
Making an appointment is always free of charge.
Travel documents
- Appointment passport application/renewal
- Passport collection appointment
- Appointment ID card application/renewal
- Appointment ID card pickup
- Appointment to report missing passport/identity card
- Appointment Foreigner Passport / Apply for Refugee Passport
- Appointment Foreigner Passport/Pick up Refugee Passport
Driver's License
Moped license as well
- Appointment driver's license application/renewal
- Driver's license pickup appointment
- Appointment reporting missing driver's license
- Foreign driver's license exchange appointment
Living and moving
Report relocation? Online only
Bulky waste
Take away yourself
You can stop by the Self-help Depot at Argonstraat 25 without an appointment.
Have it picked up
Learn more:
Building and remodeling
- Appointment to view building plans and construction drawings
- Appointment viewing environment plan
- Environmental permit submission appointment
- Appointment for information about environmental permit
Civil Status
Birth and death
Use spaces or sports fields of the municipality
Parking facilities for the disabled
Traffic Waiver
- Appointment for Attestation de Vita (international proof of being alive)
- Appointment for legalization signature/guarantee statement
- Appointment for certificate of conduct
- Appointment for authenticating copy