Status holders in hotel at KaFra Housing Zoetermeer

The municipality of Zoetermeer, in cooperation with the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA), has made arrangements for the temporary housing of status holders in KaFra Housing's hotel at Danny Kayelaan 20 in Zoetermeer. This decision is necessary because the municipality has not met its 2024 task order.
Phased housing
In 2024, the municipality of Zoetermeer has unfortunately failed to meet the statutory target. More time is needed to find suitable housing for the status holders.
As of February 2025, the municipality therefore rents 50 rooms in the hotel from KaFra Housing. With this, temporary housing has been found for a maximum of 100 status holders, with which the municipality of Zoetermeer still meets its target. The status holders will be housed in the hotel in phases within 2 weeks starting February 3. Through this phased approach, the housing is carefully organized and good guidance can be provided.
KaFra Housing
KaFra Housing is an experienced organization specialized in developing, realizing and managing housing concepts for specific target groups such as international employees, emergency seekers and status holders. KaFra Housing is responsible for the management and daily organization at the location. This means that Welfare Officers are present 24 hours a day. They maintain close contact with the residents and the surrounding area. KaFra Housing has over 20 locations to provide safe, quality and well-organized housing, ensuring a pleasant and safe living environment for both residents and neighbors.
Hotel and accommodation regulation (HAR).
To reduce the pressure on COA's reception capacity, the hotel and accommodation scheme (HAR) for status holders was created. Status holders in a reception location who are waiting for permanent housing can already temporarily live in their future municipality through the HAR. For example, in a hotel or recreational home. With the HAR, the costs of housing for 6 months are reimbursed by the state.
By using the HAR, the municipality of Zoetermeer gets more time to find suitable housing for the status holders. This helps prevent further pressure on the housing market for other housing seekers, such as first-time and emergency seekers.
Status holders assigned to the municipality of Zoetermeer are currently staying in asylum seekers' centers throughout the Netherlands. By housing them in Zoetermeer through the hotel and accommodation scheme, they can already start their integration.
Previous experience and communication
The municipality also used the HAR in late 2023/early 2024 when a group of status holders was accommodated in the same building. Local residents will be informed by letter.
Frequently Asked Questions
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Questions and answers reception of status holders in hotel by KaFra Housing