Ter Zake Het Ondernemershuis

Ter Zake Het Ondernemershuis welcomes (aspiring) entrepreneurs with growth ambitions. For current opening hours and accessibility, please visit tzho.com/opening-hours.

As of January 8, 2024, Ter Zake Het Ondernemershuis welcomes you as a starter, start-up or independent entrepreneur in the Zoetermeer region to its new temporary address at Stadhuisplein 22, the former location of museum De Voorde next to Zoetermeer City Hall.

More information: www.tzho.nl | Ter Zake Het Ondernemershuis moves to Town Hall Square 22

Digital information about doing business in Zoetermeer can be found here:

For start-ups & scale-ups with growth ambitions

Are you an entrepreneurial start-up or scale-up in Zoetermeer and facing certain challenges? If so, the account manager for start-ups and scale-ups would like to meet you. She is happy to put her years of experience as an entrepreneurial coach, a network with the right knowledge partners and up-to-date knowledge of relevant regulations, activities and meetings to work for you, entrepreneur with growth ambitions.


Are you an entrepreneur having a business meeting or would you like to host a larger group? Ter Zake has a representative meeting room with audiovisual equipment available for up to 15 people. If the meeting contributes to strengthening the business climate in Zoetermeer and the surrounding area, you are free to use this space. However, it is necessary to reserve a room in advance. This can be done via info@tzho.nl.

Account managers economy Zoetermeer

Would you like to get in touch with an economy account manager from the municipality of Zoetermeer? They are at your service.

Economy account managers

Account Managers Employer Service Point

If you, as an employer in Zoetermeer, would like to get in touch with the WerkgeversServicepunt Zuid-Holland Centraal about personnel issues. Then visit wspzhc.nl | Accountmanagers.

Account Managers Regional Mobility Team South Holland Central

Have you lost or are in danger of losing your job? Or are you self-employed and have you been hit by changes in the market? The Regionaal Mobiliteitsteam Zuid-Holland Centraal (RMT ZHC) helps job seekers, employees and entrepreneurs with free (re)training and guidance, among other things. Read more information at rmtzhc.nl.