Work and moneyHelp with money mattersAre you struggling to make ends meet or in debt? See what help is available.Participating with little moneyWe think it is important that everyone can participate in activities, for example with the ZoetermeerPas.Looking for workThe municipality can help you find work.Applying for assistanceWhat types of benefits are there and how do you apply for them?If you receive assistanceIf you receive benefits you have a number of rights and obligations.Individual income supplementThe individual income supplement is for people who have a low income for an extended period of time.Apprenticeship voucherFor young people under 27 with little or no work experience, it is sometimes difficult to find paid work or an internship. The free Apprenticeship Voucher can provide a solution.Surcharge affairThe municipality offers help to Zoetermeer victims of the child allowance affair.Grant from ESFMunicipality of Zoetermeer Uses European grant for job coaching.Or are you looking for:GrantsDebt relief policy and poverty policy framework memorandumNews about work and moneyRight now, there is no news.