Help for Zoetermeer victims of benefits affair

The municipality has already been offering help Zoetermeer victims of the child allowance affair known to us since December last year. From March 22, 2021, we can also offer this help to victims who were known only to the Tax Office.

Thousands of parents have been affected by the problems with childcare benefits, including Zoetermeer parents. The Belastingdienst/Toeslagen does compensate them financially, but for those who have run into problems this is not always enough. For some parents the debts piled up as a result, sometimes leading to more debts. But problems may also have arisen, for example, around housing, income, care and raising children. Here you can find an explanation of how the municipality does this.

What can the municipality of Zoetermeer do for you as an aggrieved person?

Every situation is different. So, offering help starts with listening to you very carefully. What situation are you in now? What about your income, expenses and/or debts? What are you suffering or worried about as a family? How is your health doing through all the worries? How did this situation affect your children? Anything can be discussed during a conversation, it is up to you to decide.

If it appears that you need specific support, the staff member you spoke with will create a plan of action with you. This states what your support goals are and what we will do together to achieve them. This may involve assistance from within or outside the municipality. Of course, it may also be enough to assist you when you have questions.

How does the offer of help progress?

We already have contact information from parents who have reported themselves to the municipality of Zoetermeer. In the course of March, the municipality will also receive contact information from parents who have reported to the Tax Office. Naturally, we will handle your data with care. How do you receive an offer of help?

  • You will receive a general letter announcing that the municipality is going to call you to make an appointment for an interview. You will receive the letter if you have reported yourself to the Tax Office as a victim of the benefits affair. From some parents we do not have a phone number. They only receive the letter. They can report to our office.
  • At three different times we try to call you asking if you would like to use our help. The offer with help is completely voluntary.
  • If you accept the offer of help, there will be an appointment for a comprehensive intake that will take place in person as much as possible (within the coronam measures). This is to really listen carefully to what you are experiencing and need.
  • After the intake interview, the municipality makes a plan of action that includes the type of support you need and how it can be implemented.
  • If you do not want to take up the offer of help or we do not get in touch with you, we will delete your data completely as we have agreed with the Tax Office. You can always report to our counter later if you still want help.

You don't have to wait for a phone call if you already know you want help. See below under contact how you can make an appointment earlier.


For information or to make an appointment, you can contact us in several ways.