Acknowledgement of a (unborn) child

Acknowledgeing a child, you assume legal parenthood, either before or after the child's birth and even if the child is of age.

Acknowledgement is free and can be arranged in any municipality in the Netherlands. In Zoetermeer, you need to make an appointment for this.

  • From the age of 12, you need written consent from the child and mother.
  • From the age of 16, only the child's consent is required.

What does legal parenthood mean?

Taking on legal parenthood for a child means:

  • That you are obligated to care for the child.
  • The child receives mutual inheritance rights. This means that after acknowledment, the child inherits from the recognizer and the recognizer also inherits from the child.
  • The child can have your last name.

Conditions for acknowledgement

  • The birth mother is not married or a registered partner with anyone else.
  • The acknowledger must be at least 16 years old.
  • Is the acknowledger under guardianship? Then permission from the district judge is required.
  • Acknowledgement is not possible if the person is not allowed to marry the mother due to blood relationship.
  • If a child already has 2 parents, it can never be acknowledged by another person.
  • The acknowledger must be present in person for the acknowledgement.
  • The mother from whom the child is born must give written consent for the acknowledgement of the child.
    • If she is present in person, she gives consent by signing the deed of acknowledgement.
    • Is the mother from whom the child is born not present at the acknowledgement? Then she can consent to the acknowledgement of the child using the Consent to Recognition form.

Joint custody through acknowledgement

The acknowledger automatically gains parental authority with the mother. This happens when they acknowledge their child. Do you want only the mother to have custody? When acknowledging, you can record that only the mother has custody of the child.

Parental authority means that you as parent(s) may make decisions about the upbringing and care of a minor child. In addition, you are the child's legal representative.

Name choice

Do you want the child to have the surname of the acknowledger (husband/wife)? Then the mother from whom the child is born must be present in person when the first child is acknowledged. Read all the information in the product Choosing a child's last name.

  • Name choice applies to children of Dutch nationality.
  • The name choice can only be made for the first child and also applies to subsequent children of the same parents.

Did the mother live abroad at marriageable age? In some cases, you will then need a declaration of unmarried status from abroad. Check with the registrar beforehand.

No Dutch nationality?

Does the mother from whom the child is born not have the Dutch nationality, but the acknowledger (m/f) does? Or does the child live in the Netherlands but does not have Dutch nationality? And is the child recognized before it is 7 years old? Then the child will automatically receive the Dutch nationality of the acknowledger (m/f).

Is the child 7 years old or older? Then different rules apply. See also the information on the website of the Immigration and Naturalization Service: Dutchman by birth or recognition.

Duo Mothers

Duo mothers can legally parent their child without court intervention.


  • The mothers are married or have a registered partnership and the child is born from an anonymous donor. For this purpose, a statement from the Donor Data Foundation for Artificial Fertilization (DKB) must be submitted with the declaration of birth.
  • In all other cases, the other mother must acknowledge the child. This can be done both before and after the birth.

Making an appointment

Child acknowledgement

To make an appointment, call 14 079.

Acknowledgement of unborn child

Appointment acknowledging unborn child

Change or delete appointment?

Once you have made an appointment you will receive a confirmation e-mail. This e-mail also contains a link that allows you to change or delete your appointment.

Do you no longer have the e-mail? Call 14 079. A staff member can change or delete the appointment for you.


From the age of 12, you need written consent from the child and mother.

Consent to recognition of child

Bring to the appointment

  • A valid proof of identity of the acknowledger and the child's mother.
  • Written consent of the mother (if she is not present at the recognition). Note! Do you want the child to have the surname of the acknowledger (man/woman)? If so, the mother from whom the child is born must be present in person at the acknowledgement of the first child to make the name selection.
  • Is the child 12 years old or older? Then he/she must come in person and show a valid ID.
  • Is the child 16 years old or older? Then the mother's consent is not required. The child must come in person and show a valid ID.
  • Does only the father or duo mother come to the municipality? Then he/she needs written consent from the biological mother (and possibly from the child under 16) to acknowledge the child.
  • If applicable: a declaration of mother's unmarried status.

How long will it take?

You will receive a copy of the acknowledgement deed immediately.