Underground Energy

Municipality of Zoetermeer makes the best possible use of available space in the underground for the storage of cold and heat. With this underground energy, buildings and homes can be heated and cooled in a sustainable way. By using this energy, you help save fossil fuel. And you help reduce CO2 emissions.

If you want to make use of this energy, you must make a notification or apply for a permit. The Haaglanden Environment Service will handle the application or notification for you.

How does it work?

You arrange a notification or permit for underground energy through the Environment Desk.


A notification must be made at least 4 weeks before the start of construction of the undergournd energy system. Make a notification if you want a closed system. For this, the municipality is the authorized authority.

Attention! In an area with a plan for undergournd energy, you cannot submit a notification. You must always apply for a permit.

Zoetermeer Entrance and Zoetermeer downtown

In an area with a plan for underground energy, you cannot make a notification. You must always apply for a permit. Zoetermeer has 2 areas with such plans: Zoetermeer Entree and Zoetermeer Binnenstad. These areas are going to look very different in the coming years. For more information, visit the website of the Province of South Holland | Soil Energy Plan Zoetermeer Downtown and Zoetermeer Entrance.


A permit must be applied for at least 8 weeks before the start of construction of the underground energy system. Apply for a permit if:

  • You build an open system that extracts 10 m3 or more of groundwater per hour from the ground.
  • You are building a system in an area subject to a underground energy plan.

Does it turn out that data or calculations are missing? If so, this will affect the processing time. The creation of your system may be delayed as a result.

What to do?

Check with the Omgevingsloket to see if you need to file a notification or apply for a permit. The Haaglanden Environment Service will handle the notification or application for you.