This is the official website of the municipality of Zoetermeer. The Municipality of Zoetermeer is responsible for the content of this website. We make every effort to keep the information current and accurate.

Do you have any suggestions for improvements? Any comments? Do you see information that is incorrect? We appreciate your report. Please send us a message using the contact form.

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The Municipality of Zoetermeer reserves copyright to information provided through, including trademarks, logos and photographic material.

Distribution of the information for non-commercial purposes is permitted on condition that the source is acknowledged. Distribution of the information for commercial purposes is permitted only after written permission from the Municipality of Zoetermeer. Would you like to know more about the use of the material? Send us a message via the contact form.

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The copyright of information on other websites, to which refers, lies with the owner of the pages in question or with the owner of the information or images displayed on those pages (for example, trademarks and logos). The responsibility for the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of that information also lies with the owners.