Subarea 2a, Europaweg et al.

The Stadshart is bordered on the north side by the Europaweg, which has an important traffic function of Zoetermeer. The 'Woonhart' residential boulevard is located on the north side.

A natural connection between the Stadshart and the Woonhart is difficult because crossing Europaweg takes effort due to the many lanes with long waiting times. Any developments within this subarea have their own dynamics and are being explored with a cautious approach. The Vision Inner City 2040 describes the frameworks. A follow-up phase will elaborate on the ambitions and explore how they can be implemented.

The main purpose of any development is to reduce the barrier effect of the Europaweg. This will make the connection of the City Heart and the Woonhart logical, attractive and pleasant. A development consists of or connects to the composite closed urban building blocks on the Europaweg The Europaweg in its current form has appearance and appearance of a city street or city boulevard. The program consists mainly of housing stacked in a hybrid block with height accents. The first floor has space for small eateries and small stores and other social facilities. The consequence on the main road network of Zoetermeer is investigated.

Building Blocks

As a basis for all new construction, changes and reuse of existing buildings, 8 spatial-programmatic building blocks have been described. These building blocks aim to provide a spatial and programmatic framework. By using these building blocks, quality is guarded and new developments become fixed in their surroundings. The building blocks can always be used but points of attention may be different for each subarea or project.

  1. Composite closed urban building blocks in connection with the already existing buildings on the Europaweg.
  2. Feature facades connected to surrounding public space: Europaweg. And crossing Luxembourg Avenue/Woonhart and Denmark Avenue/Ondineschouw.
  3. The urban block has an urban plinth. Crossing Luxemburglaan/Woonhart and facade on Ondineschouw accompany with urban plinth.
  4. Category (size and scale): 2 (12-18 meters) and 3 (18-40 meters). Corner Zwaardslootseweg, Europaweg category 4 (40 meters).
  5. A good connection between the Woonhart and the Stadshart will reduce the barrier effect of Europaweg . The connection should be logical, attractive and pleasant. The layout is aimed at emphasizing the north-south relationship. Solve parking built and out of sight (underground or in building).
  6. Implementation of continuous avenue of trees at the Europaweg. Shared greenery inside the urban block.
  7. The roof will be designed for energy facilities, greenery, water buffering and public/joint space.
  8. Merge climate adaptation into developments, improve energy transition (at the building level) and make it available.

For more information on the subareas, see the Inner City Vision 2040.