Flow-through point 18-23 years

If you could use some help looking for an education or a work-study job, the transition coaches of the municipality of Zoetermeer can help you. You can reach them by filling in the contact form. They will then contact you.

Starting Qualification

After secondary education, students from vmbo and mavo make the transition to mbo for vocational training. Obtaining an mbo diploma is important to get a nice and well-paying job. A diploma at mbo level 2 and higher, havo or vwo is also called a starting qualification. Pupils from practical education often immediately follow a route to work, but some also go on to mbo.

Absent from school after age 18

If you are absent or truant a lot, the school will talk to you. If you have questions or problems, it is wise to go to your mentor (SLB-er) to make arrangements. If you continue to truant, the school will report you to the municipality. You will usually receive a warning letter with the first report. If you are absent more often, the transition coach can contact you by telephone or invite you to look for a solution together.

Are you not keeping the agreements made? Then the school may deregister you after receiving negative study advice from your program. This will be passed on to DUO. You will then no longer be entitled to study financing or a student travel product (OV-card). In some cases, you may even have to repay your study funding.


Sometimes students quit their education because it was not the right choice or because of other problems. The school and the municipality help them start education again. It may also be that work is a better route. Even then, a combination with part-time education or while working is considered. Schools are obliged to report young people who leave school without a diploma to the municipality. The municipality has the legal duty to provide help after dropping out of school and will contact the young person who has stopped training. This can be done by letter, phone, WhatsApp or a home visit. If you like to bring someone with you to the conversation, of course that is allowed.

Learn more

Contact team Transfer Point

Do you have a question and want to contact the Flow-through Point? If so, please fill out the form:

Contact form Transfer Point

Mailing address:

Team Doorstroompunt
PO Box 15
2700 AA Zoetermeer