Event policy Zoetermeer

The 2023 Events Policy: "Enjoying together in a vibrant, green and active environment, Zoetermeer is de plek!" is valid as of March 31, 2023. With this we want to achieve a leading and wide range of events that meet the needs of residents and the lively, green and active environment.

What are we going for?

With this policy, we are working to:

  • Liveliness in neighborhoods.
  • Events in Green.
  • Maintaining leading events.
  • Innovation in event offerings and organizational processes.

How are we going to do that?

The policy includes many action points to ensure that the quality of the events on offer in the city is at least maintained or even improved. For example, we provide good event locations, we offer a subsidy scheme that encourages and supports the organization of events, and we stimulate cooperation between parties in Zoetermeer. These action points are written down in an overview in the policy summary. The actions will be picked up and implemented during the term of the policy (5 years).


The creation of the event policy involved all parties from the city. To this end, we organized four meetings in September and October 2022. Reports were made of the meetings and shared with the participants. The input from the participants has been incorporated into the policy.

The policy

Zoetermeer Events Policy 2023