The municipality publishes 2 annual reports each year: a citizen's annual report and annual reports.

  • The Citizen's Annual Report is the municipal government's accountability to citizens for the policies it has implemented.
  • The annual report (part of the financial statements) indicates, among other things, whether the policies in the budget for the past year were actually implemented.

Financial statements 2022: Positive result but concerns remain

The challenges were not mild in 2022. The college put its shoulders to the wheel together and did what was necessary. And that was to keep working to make Zoetermeer more beautiful, despite the new problems that came our way.

We close 2022 with a "positive" account result of €30.3 million. That sounds good, but this is temporary and not structural in nature. The State offers more financial leeway in the short term through additional incidental contributions, but the challenge of delivering a balanced budget each year is still as great as ever.

Annual Report 2022, version June 27, 2023

Household book of Zoetermeer

In the film "The household accounts of the municipality of Zoetermeer," we explain the connection between the college program, perspective memorandum, budget, annual report and financial statements.