It is important that child care be of good quality. Do you provide child care? If so, you will receive annual inspections by the Municipal Health Service (GGD).

Is the quality of child care insufficient? Then the municipality can demand measures. If nothing changes, the municipality may even close the childcare facility.

Do you want to start child care? If so, check out the government's How to Start a Child Care website at for more information.

How does it work?

The GGD inspector visits unexpectedly and checks, for example, whether:

  • you adhere to your educational policy plan
  • there are enough staff for the number of children in care
  • the groups are not too large
  • Every employee has a certificate of good conduct (VOG)
  • every employee has the appropriate certifications
  • the shelter is safe

The inspector also asks questions of the parents' committee. The GGD prepares a report based on the inspection. of the inspection a report.

As a parent, do you have a complaint about child care?

First, take your complaint to the organization itself. Do you get no response? Or is your complaint not taken seriously? Then submit your complaint within 3 months to the Geschillencommissie Kinderopvang.

As a parent, do you have a difference of opinion with a child care organization? Then you can report your complaint to the Childcare Complaints Commission Foundation.