Local Educational Agenda (LEA).

Offering opportunities to all children and young people aged 0-23 so that they can develop optimally - within their own abilities and regardless of the environment in which they grow up or live - into self-confident and socially aware citizens. This is the vision of the Local Education Agenda Zoetermeer 2021-2030.

A concrete work agenda as the basis for a stimulating (learning) environment

We jointly create the preconditions for this, anticipate developments and coordinate supply and deployment with and to each other.

Who are we?

The Zoetermeer LEA involves the following parties:

  • Education: schools for po, vo, (v)so, mbo and hbo, partnerships appropriate education primary education and secondary education.
  • Child care: day care, preschool and out-of-school child care institutions.
  • CKC & partners and the Zoetermeer Library.
  • Municipality of Zoetermeer: education portfolio holder and education officials.

In the LEA 2021-2030, we included 3 ambitions to achieve the vision:

  • An educational and amenity offering appropriate to Zoetermeer 2040.
  • Working together to provide equal opportunities for all children and youth.
    • Creating and providing opportunities for children and youth so that they - within their own abilities and regardless of the environment in which they grow up or live - can develop to their full potential.
  • Together ensure an appropriate place for children and youth in child care, education and employment.
    • Strengthen the connection between the care structure of child care and education on the one hand with the support and care structure of the municipality on the other.