On the website Woonnet Haaglanden you can search specifically for independent housing for the elderly. This concerns 'senior housing/55+ homes' on the one hand and sheltered accommodation on the other. Both types of housing are single-floor houses that have been specially built or made suitable for senior citizens.

Senior housing/55+ housing is usually located in a specific senior complex not in the immediate vicinity of a nursing or care home. By contrast, sheltered housing is always located in a complex that is physically connected to a nursing or care home. Seniors can then use its facilities.

For seniors with a desire to move, several so-called senior brokers are employed by Woonnet Haaglanden. These employees are fully engaged in advising, informing and guiding seniors who have started or are considering a move. They are also in contact with housing corporations so they have a good idea of the possibilities. Naturally, they take your personal wishes and situation into consideration when finding suitable housing. If you would like to schedule an interview with a senior housing agent, please use the online application form on the Woonnet Haaglanden website .