Advertising placement

You may not simply place advertising on, on or near a building. The advertising, for example, may not endanger traffic. If you want to place an advertising sign on or near a building, you must apply for an environmental permit from the municipality.

This is advertising that you place on, on or near a building. These include signs, banners, text or images on walls and a permanent sign on the grounds at a business.

How does it work?

The municipality determines whether you get the permit. It can refuse the permit because:

  • the advertising does not fit into the environment
  • the advertising does not match the building where it is placed
  • the advertising disturbs road users
  • advertising damages the road
  • advertising interferes with the maintenance and management of the road
What to do?

Through Omgevingsloket online you can find out if you need to apply for a permit. You can submit the application online immediately. You do this with DigiD. Companies can only submit the application online. Use eRecognition.

Permit application

Please fill out the application form completely. When doing so, please provide the following information:

  • why you want to place advertising
  • how great the advertising is
  • a drawing or photograph of the advertisement

Send the application form with the requested documents to the municipality. You will receive a confirmation of receipt. Then you will automatically be notified whether you will receive the permit.

Processing an application to place an advertising object€ 500,00

Display or billboard

Precario tax, for each m² over 2m² per year€ 4,71

Price changes and typographical errors reserved.

How long will it take?

Within 8 weeks, you will be notified whether you will receive the permit. The municipality can extend this period once by 6 weeks. If the municipality does not decide within this period, you will automatically receive the permit.


If you disagree with the municipality's decision, you can file an objection with the municipality within 6 weeks.