Information about the different types of education in primary and secondary schools.

Basic Education

All children ages 4 through 12 attend elementary school. Usually children will leave elementary school after 8 years of education. Sometimes children need less than 8 years, sometimes 8 years is not enough.

Special primary education (sbo)

For children who need special care and attention, who  cannot remain in "ordinary" primary education for this reason, there are special schools for primary education. Young at-risk children, children with learning difficulties or children with learning or educational problems can be referred here from the regular elementary school. A standing committee on pupil care decides on admission to special education. All elementary schools cooperate with at least one special school for elementary education, striving, wherever possible, to keep pupils in the elementary school. There are both public and special schools for special primary education.

Special and secondary special education (so and vso)

There are special education schools for children with severe disabilities, both in primary and secondary school age. For example, there are schools for children with a physical handicap, an auditory (hearing) handicap, a visual (sight) handicap and for children with a mental handicap or behavioral disorder. Zoetermeer has 4 schools for special and secondary special education.

Secondary and vocational education

There are 5 secondary schools in Zoetermeer:

  • two comprehensive schools for vmbo (all learning paths), havo, atheneum and gymnasium (public and Protestant-Christian)
  • one comprehensive school for vmbo (theoretical), havo, atheneum and gymnasium (general special education)
  • one comprehensive school for havo and atheneum (Roman Catholic)
  • one school for practical education

Zoetermeer also has schools for intermediate vocational education, adult education and higher vocational education.

Searching for a school

Are you looking for an elementary school, secondary school or further education? Using the links below, you can find information about schools in and outside of Zoetermeer. You can also compare elementary and secondary schools to help you find the right school.

Elementary and secondary schools

MBO and college education