Grant - Joining hands to save, renew and natural gas free

Unfortunately, you can no longer apply for this subsidy at this time. We expect this subsidy to become available again in 2025. Keep an eye on this webpage for more information. 

How does it work?

This grant is for projects that contribute to energy transition in Zoetermeer. Energy transition means the transition from power and heat from fossil fuels such as natural gas, to fully renewable energy.

The amount of the budget depends on design and scope of the plans. There are 3 types of grant: 

Sustainable beginners

  • Budget of (maximum) €5,000.
  • For helping set up a neighborhood plan.
  • Earmarked for expenses for set-up, room rental, flyers, speakers, etc.
  • Minimum of 3 homeowners (single-family homes). Goal: get started with saving or generating (green) energy or natural gas-free solutions. 
  • In your own street, neighborhood or district with a possible range of at least 20 other homes.

Sustainable doers

  • Budget of (maximum) €50,000.
  • Intended for a cooperative, association or foundation.
  • Earmarked for process and consulting costs and coordination of energy ambassadors.
  • Goal: Help neighborhood residents save or generate (green) energy and natural gas-free solutions
  • A reach of at least 100 residents.

Sustainable pioneers

  • Budget of (maximum) €15,000.
  • Intended for process, research, development, testing or establishment costs.
  • Intended for a natural person, foundation, association, cooperative or company (registered with the Chamber of Commerce).
  • Goal: To provide collective benefits and a solution for multiple homes, buildings or businesses in Zoetermeer.

Sustainable Owner Associations (CoEs).

  • Budget of (maximum) €10,000.
  • Intended for an Owner's Association. 
  • Purpose: process guidance and advice for taking at least 2 sustainable measures (up to 50% of the cost is reimbursed).
  • Prerequisite: the CoE has already done a quick scan or energy sizing advice and decided to work out 2 measures.

Requirements for making an application

  • Your company, (energy) cooperative, association or foundation is located in Zoetermeer.
  • The promoters are implementing the idea.
  • The idea leads to saving energy, generating energy sustainably or storing energy.
  • The idea sets an example for the municipality of Zoetermeer.
  • You are willing to share acquired knowledge and experiences.
  • The idea will be completed within one year of receiving the grant.


Thanks to the Working Hands Together grant, 5 neighborhoods are already working together. See the overview of projects by residents who are working together to improve sustainability.

Want to know more? Ask your questions at 

Unions with questions about sustainability can contact

Application form beginners, doers and pioneers

The closing date for applying for this grant was Oct. 15, 2024. Unfortunately, you can no longer apply for a grant at this time.

We expect this grant to be available to apply again in 2025. Keep an eye on this webpage for more information. 

Enclose with the application

Applications sustainable beginners, doers and pioneers:

  • A project plan with a description of the goal, idea, schedule and current status for each component. An example can be found at the bottom of this web page under "Helpful Links.
  • A budget with an estimate of the expected total cost. And (if necessary) a statement of co-financing, other grants or any third party contribution. In the case of a company and category of sustainable pioneers, a business case.
  • The motivation of the party or parties involved and their role in the project.
  • A description of how residents will be involved and benefit from the idea.
  • Are you applying for the subsidy as a company? Then you must enclose a declaration of de minimis support. In this statement you indicate whether you have received state aid in recent years. You can find an example at the bottom of this web page under 'Useful links'.

Please have the above documents ready digitally before filling out the form. You must include them as attachments.

Applications for sustainable CoEs:

  • The quick scan or energy customization advice.
  • The minutes of the meeting of the CoE in which the decision was made to work out 2 sustainable measures.
  • The quote for the process or consulting services.
  • Two recommendations from CoEs who have previously worked with this party.

Please have the above documents ready digitally before filling out the form. You must include them as attachments.

Additional information

Sustainable Beginners and Doers and Pioneers can email for more information on how to apply for this grant.

Unions with questions about sustainability can contact

How long will it take?

You can no longer apply for a grant at this time.

We will announce the ideas that receive grants on the Energieloket Zoetermeer.

Zoetermeer wants to be natural gas-free by 2040. Zoetermeer will also be the place where energy is generated sustainably. We see that residents and companies want to take steps together. To help with this, there is the grant 'Working together to save, renew and natural gas-free'. With this grant you can set up a project with your neighbors to use less energy, for example. Or to generate sustainable electricity or to get rid of natural gas together.


On Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024, the municipality hosted a webinar explaining the subsidy, its terms and conditions, and how to apply. Residents talked about the experience they have and the steps they have taken with their neighbors. You can watch the webinar below. The grant round closes Oct. 15.