14.9 Million for downtown housing boost

Zoetermeer receives 14.9 million euros from the state to accelerate housing construction in the inner city. The financial support will give a major boost to the construction of 1909 homes in the inner city.

Alderman Downtown Jan Iedema and Alderman Housing and Spatial Planning Ronald Weerwag are pleased with the contribution. Iedema: "We are working hard to build a lively and attractive city center, with beautiful buildings and a wide range of social and cultural offerings. In several places in the inner city this is already visible and in other places we are still busy making plans."

The money can be used for area development, but also, for example, for other issues, such as the affordability of housing and the design of the public area. Earlier, "the inner city" also received an amount of 26.5 million euros for accelerating housing development from the mobility fund of the state. This indicates that there is confidence in the development of our inner city not only within Zoetermeer but also from the Ministry.

Because there is a large construction task in the Netherlands, the Ministry of the Interior made €1 billion available with the housing impulse. Municipalities could apply here for a contribution to accelerate the construction of affordable housing.

More about Binnenstad Zoetermeer: About The Inner City In | binnenstad-zoetermeer.nl.