March 16 is National Pee Day. On this day, we want to raise awareness of the challenges faced by people with urinary problems. There are still too many people who do not dare to plan a day out because they do not know if public or open toilets are available.

Students surveyed toilet facilities in Zoetermeer

When we think of a hospitable city, we think, among other things, of enough places where visitors can use the restroom. Students from the minor "Social Innovation in City and Neighborhood" investigated downtown restrooms in November. The students spoke with shoppers, council members, experts by experience, catering entrepreneurs, shopkeepers and the Accessibility Council, among others.

Questions central to the study:

  • Does downtown Zoetermeer meet the Toilet Alliance's standard (a toilet facility every 500 meters)?
  • Are the toilet facilities available in the HogeNood app?
  • What can the municipality do to improve the current supply of toilet facilities?

A toilet facility every 500 meters

The students' research revealed that the downtown area does not meet the Toilet Alliance standard. During the research day, 8 toilets were added to the HogeNood app. It was also found that the toilets at the 3 downtown bike racks are still not well enough known to the Zoetermeerders.

What can/will the congregation do?

We are looking at options for opening restrooms in municipal property. We also want to increase awareness of the "pee pass": a pass for residents with conditions that require them to visit the restroom more often. We want to install clearer signage to the toilets in the city center. We are also going to encourage business owners to put stickers at the entrances of locations that open their restrooms. It's nice when the restrooms are easy to find. We are also looking at whether there are long-term opportunities to create a new public toilet in cooperation with business owners.

Entrepreneur? Register your restroom in the HogeNood app

The HogeNood app helps find the nearest toilet as quickly as possible. The app shows the route to the toilet and displays amenities, such as whether a toilet is accessible for someone in a wheelchair. It is important that there are enough toilets available in Zoetermeer. It also prevents people from developing health problems, or worsening problems (due to holding up and drinking less) and accidents.

Alderman Jan Iedema: "Public and open toilets are an important service to our visitors and therefore to the local economy. I therefore call on all entrepreneurs to also make their toilets available via the HogeNood app. By improving the findability of our toilet facilities, we make Zoetermeer ever more hospitable and attractive."

QR code High Emergency app

Register your toilet

Will you help us make Zoetermeer even more hospitable and attractive? Register your toilet with the HogeNood app! Signing up is very simple:

  • Through the application form on the website
  • When you apply, please enter the link code dpUq in the "Do you work with a municipality?" box.