Do you see a loose sidewalk tile, broken lamppost or litter on the street? If so, please report it to the city via the MijnGemeente app. Your report is valuable for city maintenance.

Screenshot of the MijnGemeente app

Prompt reporting important

The app has been developed for smartphones running on iOS or Android. The iOS version can be downloaded from the Appstore, the Android version from the Google Playstore. After installing the MijnGemeente app, the user logs in once. It is then possible to file a notification of public space from anywhere in Zoetermeer. As soon as the municipality receives a report, it is processed.

If you have an urgent report or question, such as a fallen tree across the road or other acute danger, the municipality will deal with it immediately! You can make this report by calling 14 079 (also outside office hours).

MijnGemeente App revamped

Recently, the MijnGemeente app has a new "look. You can also make a report even easier thanks to new functionalities that will be further expanded in the near future. Do you already have the app installed? Then you don't have to do anything. You will be offered the new version automatically.