Adjustment of cost-sharing standard

The cost-sharing standard is being adjusted. A cost-sharing standard applies to adults who share a home together. The more adults living in one household, the lower the benefit per person becomes. As of Jan. 1, 2023, the cost-sharing standard changed. Before this date, anyone 21 and older counted as a cost-sharing partner. The age has now been raised to 27.

What does this mean?

There are Zoetermeer families on benefits who will receive more money because of this change.

Who notices any of this?

Households with cost-sharing between the ages of 21 and 27. These have been entitled to extra money since Jan. 1, 2023. The change applies to the following groups:

  • Assistance recipients with a Participation Act (PW).
  • Assistance recipients with Income Support for older and partially disabled unemployed workers (Iaow)
  • Persons entitled to social assistance with the Elderly and Partly Disabled Former Self-Employed Persons Income Support Act (Ioaz)

Who is not a breadwinner?

The rule does not apply to:

  • Students receiving student loans
  • Apprentices studying through the vocational training pathway (BBL)
  • Co-residents aged 27 and older who are in education (Wtos)
  • Room renters and boarders who are not relatives and pay for the room and/or board and lodging

I belong to this group for whom something is changing. Do I have to change anything myself?

No. The income directors report the changes.

Will I get extra money in January already?

The municipality is making every effort to implement the changes as soon as possible. It will not be possible to complete all data for payment of benefits by January 2023. If this happens after January 2023, a back payment will follow.

Where can I go with questions?

Benefit recipients can contact their income director with questions.