Garbage, leaf basket

The municipality cleans up some of the leaf litter on public roads. You are responsible for cleaning up (leaf) debris on your own land.

In the fall, we place leaf baskets in which you and your neighbors can collect leaf litter. The municipality also empties the leaf boxes. 

Leaf boxes are placed in September/October each year in the same locations as the previous year. Is there no leaf basket in your neighborhood? Then you can apply for a leaf basket from October 25.

How does it work?

  • You are applying (also on behalf of your neighborhood residents) for a leaf basket.
  • Leaf boxes are not placed in neighborhoods with underground GFT-e containers.
  • The municipality will evaluate your request. In doing so, we look at the number of deciduous trees and other leaf baskets in your area.
  • We do not place a leaf basket in a parking lot or in a delivery spot of mini containers.
  • The location of the leaf basket must be easily accessible to the truck coming to empty it.
  • Each year we place the leaf basket in the same spot unless little or no use is made of it.
  • The leaf basket is usually attached to a tree or lamppost.
  • The leaf basket is emptied on average once a week.
  • The leaf basket is only for leaf litter from the public area. Branches, vegetable, fruit and garden waste is not allowed in the baskets.
  • The leaf basket will be removed again in mid-December.


Starting Oct. 25, you can request a leaf basket. You can do this via the BuitenBeter app or via melding openbare ruimte. Did you request a leaf basket earlier? Then we will process your request from October 25. 

How long does it take?

  • We will process your request within 10 business days.
  • Do we fail to handle the report within 10 days? Then we will contact you.