Child of Lake View

From his balcony, he looks out over the various neighborhoods of Meerzicht. Where his cradle was. Where as a child he rode his bike through the streets to discover the world. And where now parents, family and friends still live nearby. Anil finds it special to live here among the greenery. Because that's what immediately stands out when you look outside. Meerzicht from above is a very green environment.

As chairman of the Association of Owners (VvE) Meerzicht, he works hard to give the flats and the surrounding area a second life. Making them ready for the next generations.

"I have been president since 2020, but have been involved in the board for some time. Back in 2016, we were already working on renovation plans. But even then there were insufficient reserves to get this off the ground. And yet it is necessary. The apartments are from the mid-1970s. The mall, when it was completed, was a world first. There were a movie theater, a library, community center for young people and a convention center in the neighborhood. But time has not stood still. Now is the time to address issues."

There are 281 apartments divided into 4 buildings. Three of them are directly above the shopping center. Anil manages the CoE along with 3 other board members. He does this voluntarily in addition to his job as a freelancer in information and privacy security. On average, he spends 4 to 8 hours a week working for the CoE. But sometimes longer. "It takes time to be well informed and to educate people about what we are doing. It's also sometimes complicated, technical stuff. We do our best to make the information as accessible as possible to everyone. We create newsletters paying attention to our writing style. Put information on our Facebook page and also communicate in the WhatsApp group for residents. We invest a lot in communication."

The board is very active. For example, on their initiative a year ago, the platform 'Samen meer Zicht' (Together more View) was established, which other VvEs from Meerzicht have joined. Here they learn from each other and think about how to achieve their goals by working together. For example, by joint commissioning. That saves on costs. Because it is important to make flats more sustainable without having to pay too high service costs.

"We are now on the eve of a major renovation. Initially we had investigated a package of measures that would raise the energy label from F to B. That turned out not to be financially feasible. Now we are working on plan B. But in the meantime we are not sitting still. For example, all central heating boilers have been replaced and 4 of the 11 elevators in the complex have already been renovated. As a result, there are fewer costs for repairs. That makes a huge difference."

He is positive about talks with the owner of the shopping center and the office complex. By staying in conversation with each other you come to new insights. The VvE board likes to think along. For example, about a catering plaza, roof gardens and car-sharing. "I like to think big. But whether everything we want will come to pass I don't know. The year 2030 is the dot on the horizon for me. By then it should all be ready."

Without his fellow board members, all would not succeed. They keep each other on their toes and provide continuity. "Preferably, I would prefer to have one more director," he said.

A few years from now, Anil will be cycling through the neighborhood on a Friday afternoon on his way to the Meerzicht hospitality square. There, surrounded by his friends, he looks up and sees that it has all been worth it.