Direct debit, authorization

With a direct debit authorization, you authorize the municipality to debit the amount of your tax assessment from your account. We divide the total amount of the assessment into 12 parts.

Would you like to authorize, stop or change your bank account number? You can arrange this via:


What you need to know

A direct debit authorization is only possible:

  • If the assessment is in your name.
  • If the total amount of the municipal tax assessment does not exceed €20,000.
  • For property tax (OZB), garbage tax and sewer tax.
  • If the period of paying the assessment is not yet over.

Keep in mind:

  • We divide the total amount of the assessment into 12 equal amounts.
  • We make the 1st debit 1 month after the date of the assessment notice. Example: The assessment is dated February 28, then the 1st debit is in March. Do you issue a mandate in April? Then we will debit from April. The amount we debit per month will then be higher.
  • Will your assessment be reduced? For example, because you have lodged an objection? Then we will adjust the amount that is debited each time.
  • Do you disagree with a debit? Then instruct your bank to return the amount to your account (this is called "reversing").
  • If we are unable to debit your account 3 times within 12 months, the authorization stops. For the amount that is still outstanding you have to make sure that you pay on time. Has the date on which you should have paid already passed? Then you must pay the whole amount at once.
  • Do we stop the authorization? Then you can only issue a new authorization after 3 months.
  • Do you withdraw the authorization during the period we are still debiting? Then you must ensure that you pay the amount that is still outstanding. You must do this within 3 months after the date of the assessment. Has this time already passed? Then you must immediately pay everything at once.
  • You cannot give the authorization to anyone else.
  • The authorization remains valid until you cancel (or because we stop the authorization because we could not debit the amount).

Dates of direct debit

We debit the amount each month around the 27th