Image Bank Zoetermeer

The image bank contains photographs and videos about the history, inhabitants and cultural identity of the city of Zoetermeer. This visual material comes from the collections of the Stadsarchief and the Historisch Genootschap 'Oud Soetermeer' (HGOS). The oldest photos in the collection date from the early 20th century, but you can also find recent photos in this image bank.

You can search the images in several ways. For example, you can search by keyword, by date, by district or by category (such as Buildings and Street Pictures, Events and Festivities, Administration and Politics, among others). If the municipality owns the copyright to a photo, you have the option of ordering a downloadable photo of it. If you have additions/comments to the images, please add comments (annotations).

The City Archives and the HGOS have the ambition to provide as complete a picture as possible of the history of Zoetermeer. If you have visual material from Zoetermeer that you would like to have included in the image bank, please complete the contact form or call the City Archives at telephone number 079-346 8577.

Through your participation, the past, present and future of Zoetermeer can be further connected.

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