Residents choose paving on new square in Palenstein

Neighborhood residents of Palenstein could contribute ideas about the paving of the new square in their neighborhood. From July 4 to August 2 they could give their preference for one of the three paving patterns: flower, herringbone and wild.The pattern with the most preference votes will be placed on the square.

The votes have now been counted. 77.26% of the participants voted for the flower motif. So the flower motif will be on the future square. According to the current schedule, the square will be completed in 2026.

The square will be located at Rakkersveld, near the shopping center and the Castellum Palensteyn. Together with social facilities, restaurants, the shopping center and the RandstadRail stop, the square will form the heart of the Palenstein district. The square will be a recognizable place to stay for everyone with greenery and trees. A striking paving pattern in red, yellow and black will give the square a special appearance. The bicycle paths across the square are part of the district's bicycle network and connect the square with the shopping area, the RandstadRail stop and the rest of the district.

Follow this project at | Plein Palenstein.