Chapeau medal for Mr. Van den Ende in Rokkeveen

Saturday, July 13, Mr. Bert van den Ende from Rokkeveen received a Chapeau pin from the hands of alderman Marijke van der Meer. The Chapeau Medal is awarded to residents who dedicate themselves to the quality of life in a neighborhood and show considerable involvement with their surroundings. In the Rokkeveen neighborhood, Mr. Van den Ende is especially praised for his green fingers: "You do all this of your own free will and don't get a penny for it, other than a grateful neighborhood. And that is also priceless," Alderman Van der Meer addressed him. The presentation took place in community center De Vlieger.

Councilman Van der Meer praised the hobby gardener for keeping "his" street clean and maintained. For more than 35 years, Mr. Van den Ende has maintained the Ivory White and part of the Wit-Geellaan. There, Mr. Van den Ende removes dead plants and stumps that take up a lot of time. He plants new flowers, puts in sod and even straightens street work when necessary.

Neighbors from Rokkeveen have indicated that they are extremely happy with Mr. Van den Ende's enthusiasm. Mr. Van den Ende sees in the neighborhood that fewer and fewer people are doing anything about the front yard and that is a thorn in his side. Residents on other streets would love to use his services, but as much as he would like to, he just doesn't have the time. One of his street companions especially remembered how he took a now deceased 92-year-old neighbor, who could no longer do everything herself, out to the garden center so that she too could get away from home for a while. Mr. Van den Ende hopes more people will want to take good care of the neighborhood because it is an improvement to the living environment.

Would you also like to apply for a Chapeau Medal for someone in your neighborhood? Under"Municipal Awards," you will find the conditions and the form to apply for the statuette.

Councilman Van der Meer and Mr. Van den Ende