Chapeau medal for Henri Seegers
On Tuesday, March 25, during the general membership meeting of VVE 't Noordwaarts, Alderman Jan Iedema presented a chapeau statuette to Mr. Henri Seegers. The Chapeau statuette is an initiative of the municipality of Zoetermeer. With this gesture, the municipality expresses its appreciation for people who dedicate themselves to the quality of life in the neighborhood; people who, in doing so, show considerable involvement with the living environment and the neighborhood.
Mr. Seegers has been closely involved with the board of VvE 't Noordwaarts since 2001. The last 20 years as a board member. He arranged the finances but also the management of the building. Mr. Seegers has been actively involved in the quality of life in the City Center neighborhood. For example, he maintained close contacts with the municipality and politicians about housing, new construction plans, solar panels, sustainability, etcetera. Not only did he have an eye for the building, he also devoted himself to an attractive and livable City Center. But he also actively contributed to the sociability of the neighborhood. In 2024, together with the municipality, he organized the Roof Festival, in which 't Noordwaarts won the title of 'highest roof'.
In addition, Mr. Seegers devoted himself selflessly to many different associations and foundations. He was a board member of neighborhood association Het Baken in De Leyens for 5 years, was a volunteer and chairman of the Roltours association. Mr. Seegers is still a board member of the Dutch Association of Interested Parties in the Fire Service (VBB), the Fire Service Media Publishing Foundation and a member of the editorial board.