Chapeau medal for Linda Bregman-Labrujère

For her extraordinary commitment to maintaining birth care at the Haga Hospital Zoetermeer, Linda Bregman-Labrujère received a Chapeau statuette today. Mayor Michel Bezuijen awarded the statuette during a visit to the hospital's maternity ward.

Petition and Serene Tour

When Linda Bregman-Labrujère heard about the possible plans to close the birth care department at the Haga Hospital Zoetermeer, she immediately took action. She started a petition for the preservation of this department. More than 15,000 people signed the petition to express their concerns about the possible closure. She then presented the petition to the Lower House. She also organized a Serene Tour, where more than 1,000 concerned (expectant) parents and care workers walked along.

Influence on decision

Thanks in part to her initiatives and the efforts of all the maternity staff, there has been a lot of coverage in both national and local media and politics. With the actions, she made the concerns and involvement of residents visible. This has been of great influence on the final decision of the Haga Hospital to keep birth care in Zoetermeer.

Linda Bregman-Labrujère has been working in birth care for 28 years and founder of PKZ Maternity Care. Although she recently officially retired, she is still regularly at work in the hospital.

Chapeau pin

By awarding the Chapeau Medal, the municipality of Zoetermeer expresses its appreciation for residents who have made themselves deserving in a special way for the municipality of Zoetermeer and its residents.