Municipality removes 10 floating islands

In 2021, the municipality of Zoetermeer placed floating islands in the Broekwegwetering along the Galjoenkade, Marco Polorede and Sloepkade. At the Fregatwerf, the islands failed to float properly. Therefore, we are removing these 10 islands.

Why are we removing islands at the Frigate Yard?

All islands have been modified in the last 2 years. Most of the islands now float well. Only the 10 islands at the Frigate Wharf did not succeed. Due to the influence of weather and wind, these islands continue to sink. As a result, the plants do not grow well.

When is the work?

The 10 islands will be removed during the week of May 6 through May 10. Due to the presence of birds in the spring and summer, we will not remove the wooden poles and floats until November of this year.

Blooming islands

The other islands at Galjoenkade, Marco Polorede and Sloepkade are staying afloat well and do not need to be modified. The plants on these islands grow and flourish well and contribute to improving the natural environment.