Developer Chronos submitted an application for an environmental permit to the municipality in December 2020 for the construction of 132 apartments at the De Sniep site at Broekwegschouw 207-211. This is a plan for 132 apartments divided into 2 residential buildings with a parking basement below ground level.

Environmental permit procedure

This plan for residential development does not now fit with the current zoning of the site for hospitality. Based on a number of elements of the current plan, an environmental permit cannot be granted and the plan will therefore have to be modified. Chronos and the municipality have decided to pause the processing of the application for an environmental permit so that participation can take place on the preconditions for housing development at this location.


Partly based on input from the neighborhood, the municipality wants to provide preconditions for housing construction at the De Sniep site. These preconditions concern, for example, the height of the buildings, shade, the connection to the Inner Park and the surrounding area, parking, and the connection to the existing roads. The municipality has now formulated these preconditions. On May 15, 2023, the City Council adopted the preconditions (with some changes). They are included below with a reading guide to the Documents. Next step is for Chronos to come up with a modified plan. There are currently no housing plans with the municipality for the De Sniep site and there are no signs that there will be any in the near future.

The preconditions state that the apartment building should not be higher than 7 floors, that it will be gas-free and energy-efficient, with a "green" finish and that there will be a courtyard garden. The preconditions also state that there is a preference for life-proof housing for the so-called empty nesters from the Buytenwegh De Leyens neighborhood. There will also be a beautiful walking route from the traffic circle across the grounds of the building to the Inner Park. Residents and visitors will park under a sunken parking deck. The roof of the parking deck will become part of the green walking route to the Inner Park. The preconditions also say something about the connection to the existing roads if housing construction comes to the site of De Sniep. A traffic study shows that traffic entering and leaving a future housing development can continue to use the current situation on the Broekwegschouw. The municipality explained this in a letter to local residents on April 16, 2024.

Consultation with local residents

The environment and other stakeholders were involved in drafting the preconditions. The college adopted the participation proposal on September 20, 2021. You can find it at the bottom of the downloadable documents. A number of participation meetings were organized.

The last meeting was on Oct. 12, 2022 at which the municipality, together with the developer, explained the draft preconditions to those present. Among the documents below are the residents' letter sent to the neighborhood on Sept. 27 and the mood report of the meeting. Here you will also find the draft preconditions. Local residents could also give their reactions via the website until October 26.

The responses received through Doemee and the participation meeting on Oct. 12 were compiled. The municipality considered whether they could be incorporated into the preconditions. The reactions have also been included in the final participation report. This final report can be found at the bottom of the downloadable documents.

Previous meetings

The first meeting was held on October 27, 2021. Local residents of De Sniep and other interested parties received an invitation to this meeting. A report was made of the meeting (meeting October 27, 2021). People could also react via the online participation platform Doemee. A report of this first phase of participation through November 2021 has been made ( Participation through November 2021). This provides an overview of the participants' input and the municipality's response to it.

The themes identified in the participation were subsequently discussed with a sounding board group. The reports of the sounding board group meetings can be found at the bottom of the downloadable documents.

The municipality discussed the draft preconditions with the sounding board group in May 2022. The sounding board group then issued advice on this. Where possible, this advice was adopted by the municipality. If this was not possible, reasons were given as to why this was not possible.

Do you have a question?

Send us an e-mail with the subject line 'De Sniep'. We will contact you as soon as possible.
