With your DigiD you show who you are when you arrange something on the Internet. Whether it's with the government, education, healthcare or your pension fund: thanks to your DigiD, you can log in easily and securely anywhere.

Login from July 1, 2023 with DigiD app and additional SMS verification via phone

You can also use your DigiD to request a product or service from the municipality of Zoetermeer, such as reporting a change of address. At the moment you can still log in for this with your user name and password. From July 1, 2023, for a number of services at the municipality, you will only be able to log in with the DigiD app or SMS verification. This means that from now on you will always need your phone when logging in. This way your personal data will be even better protected.

Logging in with the DigiD app

The DigiD app is the easiest way to log in securely. This way, your personal information is even better protected. You don't have to remember a password. Only a PIN code that you choose yourself. Download the app only from the official Apple App Store (iOS) or the Google Play Store (Android). This video explains everything step by step.

What do I need?

A smartphone or tablet running iOS (12.0 or higher) or Android (7.0 or higher).

How does the DigiD app work?

Visit www.digid.nl/digid-app for a full explanation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about logging in with the DigiD app and SMS verification.

Why will I need to log in with the DigiD app or SMS verification starting July 1, 2023?

In the Netherlands, we are doing more and more digitally. Even arranging things with the municipality is often done online. In order for this to run smoothly and securely, a new law goes into effect from July 1, 2023: Digital Government Act. This law is about safe login at (semi-)government agencies, such as the Tax Office, DUO and municipalities.

For more information: www.digitaleoverheid.nl | Digital Government Act

I don't have a smartphone

You can also log in with a text message verification. You will then receive an SMS code on your cell phone. Or choose a spoken text code. You can also receive this on your cell phone. Add your phone number in My DigiD and activate login with SMS verification.

I only have a landline phone

Even if you don't have a cell phone, you can log in with SMS verification. You will then be automatically called on your landline and receive a spoken SMS code. You activate this way of logging in in your My DigiD.

The DigiD app does not work on my (old) smartphone

You can also log in with a text message control. You will then receive a (spoken) SMS code on your cell phone or landline. Add your phone number in My DigiD and activate login with SMS verification.

I don't have a DigiD yet

You can apply for a DigiD through digid.nl or in the DigiD app itself. For more information, visit www.digid.nl/aanvragen-en-activeren/digid-aanvragen.

I want to authorize someone else

Would you like someone else to handle your affairs? This is not yet possible at the municipality of Zoetermeer. However, you can authorize someone else for matters at the Tax Office, Social Insurance Bank and the CIZ. You can arrange authorizations at machtigen.digid.nl.

Want to know more or have a specific question?

Do you have a question about a specific situation? For example, "Why am I not receiving a text message?" or "I can't activate the DigiD app, now what? Then check digid.nl for answers. You can also walk in to the digital government information point (IDO) at your library. IDO staff will help you arrange things over the Internet, such as applying for a DigiD, free of charge. Bring your phone and, if possible, your DigiD username and password when you stop by. For opening hours, visit Library Forum| Digital Government Information Point.

DigiD help desk

Are you still unable to figure it out? Then you can call the DigiD helpdesk. This can be reached on working days from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. on 088-123 6555. The helpdesk can also be reached via the contact form or via X (@digidwebcare).