Take a Summer Round of Healthy and win a sports shirt

Put on the sneakers this summer, get moving and discover Rondje Gezond! Take a picture during your Round Healthy, share it on social media and win a sports shirt from Entree.

Rondje Gezond is the place to meet and have fun. Follow the marked paving stones through Meerzicht, Entree and Driemanspolder and get moving. The start and end point is at the bottom near the Nelson Mandela Bridge on Boerhaavelaan. If you start your round trip at a different point, that's also possible, of course.

What you must do for a chance to win:

  • Take a spontaneous/sports photo using Round of Health.
  • Share this photo on Instagram and/or Facebook
  • Tag and follow one of the accounts below:

Participation is possible until Sept. 17, 2024

No matter your age, A Round of Health is for everyone. The route is simple, set your own pace and choose the exercises that suit your level. Do what feels comfortable! Don't forget to take the sports photo! Winners will be announced on September 23, 2024. 

Want to know more about Rondje Gezond and see the route? Visit www.entreezoetermeer.nl.