Residential Du Meelaan

Developer Project Du Meelaan B.V. has applied to the municipality with a housing plan of about 50 apartments on the edge of Palenstein. It concerns the site at Du Meelaan 578-582, 588. To make the housing development possible, the zoning plan must be amended and participation (consultation) has taken place.

Du Meelaan housing development site

State of affairs

The environmental permit to build the apartment complex was granted in April 2021. The zoning plan has been adopted and it is now irrevocable. Demolition of two existing commercial buildings will begin in July 2021. The developer aims to start construction in September/October 2021, which will take about 1.5 years. 

What preceded

Adoption of zoning plan and granting of environmental permit and Higher Noise Values

On April 6, 2021, the Council adopted the Dumeelaan 578-582,588 zoning plan. On April 7, 2021, the Municipal Executive granted the environmental permit. On Feb. 16, 2021, the Decision on Higher Values for Noise was adopted. 

From April 17, 2021 through May 28, 2021, the zoning plan, the environmental permit and the decision on Higher Values for Noise will be available for inspection. For the possibilities to lodge an appeal against the decision to adopt the zoning plan and to grant the environmental permit and the Higher Values for Noise, please refer to the publication made on April 15, 2021 in the Municipal Gazette and the Government Gazette. This publication can also be downloaded below. The publication indicates where the decisions and related documents can be viewed. An anonymized version of the environmental permit (without the appendices), the decision on higher values for noise and the zoning plan can also be downloaded below.

Draft zoning plan available for review

The college approved the draft zoning plan and appendices on November 24, 2020. From Friday, December 11, 2020, through Thursday, January 21, 2021, the draft zoning plan, together with the draft environmental permit and the Decision on Higher Noise Values, was made available for inspection for views.


The start of the statutory procedure and the statutory public participation period is published by the municipality in the Official Gazette and in the Municipal Gazette at If you wish to receive notification of the publication you can register for the e-mail service public notices at .

Board approves preliminary zoning plan

The college approved the preliminary zoning plan on June 16, 2020. This plan has been submitted to the other governments and agencies for submission of preliminary comments. The city council was asked to make known any points of interest for the development into a draft zoning plan. The preliminary consultations with the co-authorities and the Council did not result in any reactions that led to adjustment of the zoning plan.

Participation (consultation) completed

The College of Mayor and Aldermen adopted the final report of consultation on May 19, 2020. This means that the participation process has been completed and we are entering the next phase. The participation aimed to inform and consult stakeholders about the plan and the planning procedure. On March 5, the developer presented the new building plan to local residents and other interested parties. An estimated 100 visitors attended this meeting. They were able to react to the plan and ask questions to the architect and experts from the municipality and developer. Here you can find the atmospheric report and the presentation of this evening.

Plot Passport

For this location, the City Council adopted a so-called plot passport. This contains conditions the plan must meet. This passport describes the housing types and the target groups (empty-nesters, middle rental). The passport also states the parking standards and the maximum building height of 40 meters.
