Economy and employment

Economy Action Agenda

The action agenda provides an overview of the ambitions, goals and action points with intended results and partners and the added value in the longer term. Until the integral Environmental Vision has been adopted, we will start from an economic perspective that fits its own unique strength: Zoetermeer is a city with a practical economy in which knowledge and innovation are quickly transformed into business that thus has much to offer companies from the applied IT & Services, Logistics & Trade, Health and Construction & Installation sectors.

Strategy work locations Zoetermeer 2020-2030

The action agenda provides an overview of the ambitions, goals and action points with intended results and partners and the added value in the longer term. Until the integral Environmental Vision has been adopted, we will start from an economic perspective that fits its own unique strength: Zoetermeer is a city with a practical economy in which knowledge and innovation are quickly transformed into business that thus has much to offer companies from the applied IT & Services, Logistics & Trade, Health and Construction & Installation sectors.

Core document strategy work locations Zoetermeer 2020-2030

Advertising Note

The advertising memorandum allows the municipality of Zoetermeer to move with the rapid changes in the advertising world without causing any inconvenience to the residents. Entrepreneurs and companies are not restricted in working on their brand awareness. This is an updated policy which meant that a number of regulations could be repealed because these regulations have been combined in this memorandum.

Advertising Note 2019

Retail policy 2019-2023

The Retail Policy Zoetermeer 2019-2023 is in line with the policy frameworks of the Province of South Holland and the MRDH. This memorandum provides a clear framework for both the municipality and market parties for the desired direction of retail development in Zoetermeer. In the policy a threefold division is made with (1) the inner city (Stadshart, Dorpsstraat, Woonhart); (2) the shopping structure with the district and neighborhood shopping centers; and (3) peripheral and other retail outside the shopping centers.

Task Compact and Vibrant Dorpsstraat

As a result of the Retail Policy 2019-2023, in 2019 and 2020 the joint task for a more compact and vibrant shopping area Dorpsstraat was carried out. From previous visions and studies for the Dorpsstraat, the update of the Retail Policy and the Downtown Vision, the desired development direction is clear. The starting points for the Dorpsstraat are good, but in order to capitalize on the opportunities and achieve a compact and lively shopping area, there are a number of firm tasks for the future. The project 'Compact and Lively Dorpsstraat' was carried out in cooperation with entrepreneurs, property owners and other parties involved. The project was financed by the municipality, the Metropoolregio Rotterdam Den Haag (MRDH) and the Vereniging Vastgoed-BIZ Dorpsstraat Zoetermeer.

Research Future Prospects shopping centers Seghwaert, Leidsewallen and De Leyens

As a result of the Retail Policy 2019-2023, in 2019 and 2020 the joint task for a more compact and vibrant shopping area Dorpsstraat was carried out. From previous visions and studies for the Dorpsstraat, the update of the Retail Policy and the Downtown Vision, the desired development direction is clear. The starting points for the Dorpsstraat are good, but in order to capitalize on the opportunities and achieve a compact and lively shopping area, there are a number of firm tasks for the future. The project 'Compact and Lively Dorpsstraat' was carried out in cooperation with entrepreneurs, property owners and other parties involved. The project was financed by the municipality, the Metropoolregio Rotterdam Den Haag (MRDH) and the Vereniging Vastgoed-BIZ Dorpsstraat Zoetermeer.

Detailed rules pitches

In the Nadere regels Standplaatsen, the college sets rules on "how, where and when" booths may and may not be occupied with a booth permit.

Detailed rules standings 2021

Zoetermeer hospitality vision 2017

The vision offers a new perspective for hospitality for the next ten years where possible and where appropriate continue to provide space for eating, drinking and lodging in Zoetermeer, especially at the hospitality locations in the Stadshart and at Dorpsstraat.

Zoetermeer Shopping Hours Ordinance 2011

The ordinance provides for the college to extend shopping hours upon application in exceptional situations or structurally in the case of an evening store.

Spatial-functional plan northern business parks 2008

The 3 northern business parks (NBT) Rokkehage, Hoornerhage and Zoeterhage will be revitalized in the coming years. An important starting point is the preservation and, where possible, further expansion of jobs. Maintaining existing business activity and employment is central. It is also an important stepping stone to the zoning plan to be updated.

Final report on Spatial Functional Plan Northern Business Parks

Functional mixing on business parks

During the discussion of the City Vision 2030, the Zoetermeer City Council asked for information about possible space gains as a result of the restructuring of business parks, functional blending of living and working, and changing the function of office locations. This quickscan takes a closer look at possible space gains from restructuring of industrial sites and blending living and working functions.

Transformation study of offices

During the discussion of the City Vision 2030, the Zoetermeer City Council asked for information about possible space gains as a result of restructuring of industrial sites, function blending of living and working and function change of office locations. This exploratory strategic study takes a closer look at possible space gains from changing the function of office locations.

Policy framework Leisure Zoetermeer 2003-2025

The policy framework Leisure Zoetermeer indicates the main direction of the Leisure policy. In a nutshell, this boils down to: which locations are promising, which facilities and events come into their own there, and how do we think we can achieve this.

Hotel Note 2001

Signals are regularly received indicating that there is far too little in Haaglanden and in Zoetermeer in particular. Expanding the number of hotel beds brings many benefits, such as in the areas of employment and tourism. Expansion is desirable, but the question is what that expansion should look like. The memorandum answers this question and outlines a responsible hotel supply within the catchment area in the medium (2005) and long (2025) term.