Most frequently asked questions about the Wmo co-payment

What is the co-payment in the Wmo?

With the co-payment, you pay part of the cost of help or support from the Wmo. We also call this the 'subscription rate'.

How high is the maximum co-payment in Zoetermeer?

Zoetermeer follows the national rules. On |Do I pay a personal contribution for Wmo support? you can read about the maximum amount you will pay as a personal contribution. It does not matter what your income is, how many facilities you have, or what these facilities cost. Zoetermeer does not have separate rules for people with a minimum income. Sometimes your supplementary insurance will reimburse the cost of your own contribution.

From when do I start paying the co-payment?

Once you have received a Wmo decision from the municipality, we will also register your facility with the CAK. Starting the following month, you will begin paying the subscription fee.

Do I always pay the subscription rate when I use a WMO facility?

You do not pay a subscription fee if:

  • You have a joint household and you or your partner have not yet reached the state pension age.
  • You only use a wheelchair through the Wmo.
  • The WMO facility is provided for a child under the age of 18 (exception: permanent home modifications).
  • You only use work-based day care.
  • You only use the regional cab.
  • Your household already pays a co-payment for the Wlz.

In all other cases, you pay the Wmo subscription rate.

When do I stop paying the co-payment?

We will send a stop notice to CAK:

  • When no further use is made at all of a WMO facility provided by the municipality of Zoetermeer, for example due to relocation or death.
  • When you have paid off the entire facility through the subscription rate.
  • When you or your partner start receiving care from the Long-Term Care Act (Wlz).

Is it possible that I temporarily do not have to pay a co-payment (for example, when I am on vacation or hospitalized)?

It is not possible to pause the subscription rate if you go abroad for several months, for example. Only in exceptional cases can the subscription rate be (temporarily) not imposed. For example, if you are admitted to a rehabilitation center for more than a month. Contact the Wmo department about this.

When am I done paying for my tool (cost control)?

If you have "paid off" the entire facility and you do not use any other facilities from the Wmo, the co-payment stops.

Do I pay the co-payment for the whole family/household or for each person separately?

The maximum co-payment applies per household. Do more persons in a household use the Wmo? Then together they pay the maximum co-payment.

Why do I have to pay to CAK?

CAK calculates and collects the co-payment for the Wmo on behalf of the municipality and the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS).

I will soon reach the state pension age. What does that mean for the co-payment?

Do you have a partner? And is your partner not yet AOW entitled? Then you do not have to pay a contribution this year. Only when both reach the AOW age will you have to pay a co-payment.

I have a question about cost control of my facility.

Please contact the Wmo administration. You can call 14 079 to do so.

How can I pay the co-payment?

You pay the co-payment to the CAK. You can pay the co-payment by direct debit. Or through the invoice you receive through the CAK. Do you have questions about paying the own contribution? Please contact the CAK via 0800-1925. - How can I pay the invoice?

What can I turn to CAK for?

  • Objecting to the CAK decision.
  • Wrongful invoice or direct debit
  • Apply for direct debit
  • Questions about a failed direct debit
  • A payment plan
  • Deferral of payment
  • Your invoices
  • Change mailing address or bank account number