Oak Processionary Moth

During the summer months, oak trees may have nests of oak processionary caterpillars. The municipality makes every effort to minimize the nuisance of these hairy creatures.

The oak processionary caterpillar

The dark caterpillars have long, grayish-white hairs on reddish-orange warts. These caterpillars molt several times and on the third molt the caterpillar develops burning hairs. One processionary caterpillar has as many as 700,000 stinging hairs. These hairs are so small that you cannot see them, but they can still cause annoying symptoms. They can cause itching, bumps, red skin and swollen eyes. More information about the complaints and what you can do about them can be found at Oak Processionaries - GGD Environment.

What does the congregation do?

The oak processionary caterpillar has natural enemies, such as birds and insects. We make sure that conditions for these natural enemies are as good as possible. Various birds, especially tits, eat the oak processionary caterpillars. This is why many birdhouses have been put up in recent years.

The community has also created flowered roadsides to attract insects and birds that help fight oak processionary caterpillars. We also take into account the mowing of the grass. By mowing in a different way, we make sure that as many flowering flowers as possible are left to attract insects and therefore, in turn, birds.

We also check the oak trees in Zoetermeer for processionary caterpillars. High-risk areas such as Zoetermeerseplas and near elementary school are checked first. As soon as an oak processionary caterpillar nest is found, a company removes the nest with a caterpillar vacuum cleaner.

Oak Processionary Moth in Zoetermeer | Map

What can you do?

If you see oak processionary caterpillars in the public area, such as on the street, in a park or on a playground, we ask that you report it to us using the contact form.

Do you have oak processionary caterpillars on your property? If so, you are responsible for controlling the caterpillar yourself. It is important that you hire an expert company to do this and do not control the caterpillars yourself.