Entrance: green urban district with 7,000 new homes
The draft Envelope Program for Entrance is complete and is available for review. Reactions to the draft Zoning Plan and the new programming led to a revision of the plans. The number of required meters of office space and housing have been adjusted; the Abdissenbos will be involved in the experience of the area and Afrikaweg will become a city street with wide sidewalks and a free bicycle path. In addition, as a result of the comments, the building heights have been adjusted downward. In Entree, 7,000 homes will now be realized on the axis between the Nelson Mandela Bridge and downtown Zoetermeer. People can respond to the plans until April 11. After considering the responses, the plans will be presented to the City Council for approval.
Rules that give space
Councilman Iedema explained that it is important for the development of Entree to have clear rules: "These principles should primarily give room for a green city neighborhood with an active lifestyle. Think about the location and height of buildings, what it will look like and what noise standards apply. In this way, Entree will be a beautiful new neighborhood that Zoetermeer can be proud of." The municipality lays down the rules of the game in drawings and texts. These can be found in a number of design documents, namely an Environment Program, a Development Vision, an Image Quality Plan and some policy documents.
The draft Environment Program and the other documents will be available for inspection from Friday, February 28, until Friday, April 11, 2025. Residents can respond by submitting an opinion. How this works can be read from February 28 at www.entreezoetermeer.nl. From then on, the documents can also be found here.
Question Hours March 13
For those who still have questions after reading the documents or the information on the website, please stop by the question hours organized by the Zoetermeer municipality on Thursday, March 13, at Club Entree, Boerhaavelaan 11-33. In the afternoon, interested parties are welcome between 16:00 and 17:30, in the evening between 19:00 and 20:30. The program will start with a short plenary explanation of the documents, after which questions can be put to the municipal Entree team at thematic tables.
Sign up
Those interested in the meeting can send an e-mail to entree@zoetermeer.nl with the subject line "Entrance Meeting March 13," indicating whether interest is in the afternoon or evening meeting.
What preceded it?
The municipality has been working on plans for Entrance for a long time. In 2022 there were many comments (views) on the draft zoning plan. There was also new information about the number of meters of office space and housing needed in Entree, and an area at Abdissenbos became part of Entree. The plan for service roads along city street Afrikaweg was abandoned to allow more room for a wide sidewalk and a free bike lane. Access to the new neighborhood will be for cars via Bredewater and Boerhaavelaan. The maximum heights of the high-rise buildings have also been adjusted to a lower height. In the fall of 2024, residents were able to comment on these changes. They have now been incorporated into the documents available for review. They also include the response to the 2022 views.
After April 11, 2025, all responses will be compiled and it will be examined whether these responses lead to changes in the documents. A response (reaction) from the municipality will follow all submitted views. After any changes are made, the documents will be submitted to the council for approval and adopted by the college.