€10 million from Rijk for growth cities Nissewaard, Zoetermeer and Capelle aan den IJssel
Central government has announced a €10 million Regiodeal to the New Town municipalities of Nissewaard, Zoetermeer and Capelle aan den IJssel. This money is intended to improve the quality of life in these former growth centers. The award of this Regiodeal underlines the importance of a joint approach to the challenges facing these cities.
A Regiodeal is a cooperation agreement between the central government and regions to improve the quality of life, housing and work. The three municipalities use this money to refurbish neighborhoods and districts and address social problems.
Serious problems require action
Recent studies show that livability and social cohesion in Nissewaard, Zoetermeer and Capelle aan den IJssel lag behind the rest of the Netherlands. The many neighborhoods built in these New Towns in a short period of time in the 1970s and 1980s are now aging rapidly and showing worrisome patterns. Entire neighborhoods are simultaneously in need of restructuring and replacement. A lack of green space and an excess of gray infrastructure reduce residential attractiveness. In addition, average incomes are declining, problematic debts are increasing, and crime rates are above the national average. The perceived health of residents is worse than elsewhere in the Netherlands. Moreover, despite employment opportunities in the region, there is a mismatch with supply, leading to higher unemployment. Timely action is needed to prevent bigger problems and make New Towns future-proof.
Major contribution to improvement
With the money from this Regiodeal, the 3 municipalities can take a first step towards structural improvement of neighborhoods and districts. The approach focuses not only on physical improvement, but also on increasing social cohesion and economic opportunities. Moreover, the measures from the approach can serve as an example for other New Towns in the Netherlands and abroad.
Mayor Michel Bezuijen of Zoetermeer: "The allocation of this money also means recognition for us of the problems New Towns are facing. We are fully committed to preventing neighborhoods in our cities from becoming slums, this Regiodeal helps us to do so. At the same time, also through the national New Town Alliance, which includes other municipalities, we continue to call attention to sufficient money from the state to solve problems structurally."
Alderman Hanneke Stengs-Nijhof of Nissewaard: "We are very happy with this Regiodeal which will allow us to realize improvements in the short term. We thank the province of South Holland for their support, this is a good start. It allows us to take the first steps towards addressing both physical and social vulnerabilities. Together we can turn the tide."
Mayor Joost Manusama of Capelle aan den IJssel is pleased with the money from the State for the New Towns: "It is very nice that we are receiving money, but it is also just a start, because the challenges we face as municipalities are considerable. We see the Regiodeal funds as recognition from the State for the challenges of the New Towns. Our municipalities are vulnerable in terms of liveability and safety. Together, municipalities with the State, we must face these challenges to prevent further deterioration."