When you come to live in the Netherlands, it is important that you learn the Dutch language. It is also important that you learn how we live, work and interact in the Netherlands. We call this settling in. 

Integration from Jan. 1, 2022

With the Integration Act, the municipality helps you become integrated as soon as possible. You take language lessons, get a job or follow a course. With this new law, newcomers quickly participate in the Netherlands. You can read more about these rules at www.inburgeren.nl

Notice! The new system applies to persons who are obliged to integrate after January 1, 2022. The letter from DUO states the date from which you must integrate. This date determines which system you fall under. Do you no longer have the letter? In Mijn Inburgering on www.inburgeren.nl you can see from when you have to integrate.

How does it work?

You are required to citizenship if you:

  • has a residence permit after January 1, 2022
  • Have a religious profession (for example, pastor, minister, imam or rabbi)
  • teaches religion or philosophy of life

Voluntary citizenship is also possible. That means you want it yourself, but it is not mandatory.

Check the IND website to see in which cases you do not have to take an integration exam.

What to do?

  • You will receive a letter from Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (DUO). The letter states the date from which you must integrate. Do you no longer have the letter? In Mijn Inburgering you can see from when you have to integrate.
  • The municipality will invite you for an intake interview and a learnability test. After taking this test, you will draw up your personal plan for integration and participation (PIP) together with the municipality. This plan determines which learning route you will follow.
  • You can learn for the exam on your own, but most people do a course at a school. You can find a list of schools where you can do this on the website www.zoekinburgerschool.nl.
  • You have 3 years to integrate. This is the integration period.
  • Are you, your partner, your parent(s) or your child(ren) refugees? Then you will get help from the municipality. The municipality will inform you about this.

Participation Statement

If you started civic integration on or after October 1, 2017 and are registered with the municipality, you will sign a participation statement within 1 year. By doing so, you declare that you want to actively participate in Dutch society. And that you respect what is important in the Netherlands. The participation statement is different from the exam at DUO. The municipality will send you a letter explaining how the declaration of participation works.

You live abroad

If you still live abroad and have applied for a residence permit, you will take the basic integration exam in the country where you live. If you pass this exam, you can come to the Netherlands. Contact the Dutch embassy about this.

You do not want to take an exam

Citizenship allows you to participate in Dutch society. For example, you can then get an education and you have a better chance of finding work. That is why it is so important that you do this. Moreover, if you do not cooperate, you may be fined. It may even affect your residence permit.

Refugee Council Netherlands

At VluchtelingenWerk Zoetermeer, refugees can obtain information about:

  • educational institutions in Zoetermeer that offer integration programs
  • applying for a loan from DUO
  • the duration of the integration programs
  • childcare

Integration counter for refugees

The integration desk can be found in the office of VluchtelingenWerk Zoetermeer.

Language House Zoetermeer

Do you have trouble reading, writing or speaking? Then come to the Language House. Here you can get all the information you need about civic integration. You can also use materials and computers on which you can practice lessons.

The Language House is located in the Main Library Zoetermeer. For more information, visit the Town Hall-Forum website.


DUO charges fees for civic integration. For more information, visit the DUO | Cost website.

How long will it take?

You will receive the results of your exam within 8 weeks.


Have you passed the integration exam? 

Then DUO will send your diploma to you by registered mail.


If you did not pass, you can take the exam again. You will then also pay one more time.


Do you have a question and would like to contact Team Integration? Please fill out the form below or send a letter. You can also call 14 079.


Integration contact form

By mail

Municipality of Zoetermeer
Integration Team
PO Box 15

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply for a residence permit?

When you come to the Netherlands as a foreigner, it is important that you have a residence permit. This permit is proof that you are here legally.

You apply for a residence permit through the Entry and Residence Procedure (TEV). This is necessary if you want to stay in the Netherlands for more than 3 months.

A residence permit is usually valid for 5 years. After that, you can apply for an indefinite permit.