Vibrant city neighborhood
Living in Entree will be different from other places in Zoetermeer. The area will be more urban and higher in density, in which quality in both the home and the living environment is of great importance. Living or working in Entree means consciously choosing an urban environment.
Entrance will be a new vibrant urban district. An important feature of this is the mix of functions: living, working and facilities such as stores and bars, multifunctional use of buildings and public areas, housing for different target groups and an attractive and highly varied built environment and public space.
An important condition to achieve the desired vibrancy and diversity is a high density of buildings, with lots of interaction between residents, visitors and passers-by. At the same time, it should not become too dense. A good balance between urbanity and green sheltered outdoor spaces will make Entree a pleasant and distinctive place in the region for future residents. A wide variety of housing types within Entree provides a varied image in building volumes and façade layouts.
Entrance is for everyone. This means that the homes will be built for a mix of target groups, including those with less to spend. The emphasis here is on young people who mostly grew up in Zoetermeer, but who now have insufficient opportunities in the current Zoetermeer housing market. Furthermore, housing will be built for middle-income people who are not allowed to rent social housing or cannot find suitable housing, and housing for elderly people who would like to exchange their single-family home for an apartment with all urban amenities around the corner. In addition to these primary target groups, there is plenty of room for other groups.