Lake View Panel

The Meerzicht Panel is a digital resident panel for residents of the Meerzicht neighborhood. Up to 6 times a year we ask questions via e-mail to residents of Meerzicht about various topics. For example about housing, mobility, safety, greenery in the neighborhood or parking. This gives a better view on how Meerzicht residents think about these and other topics.

Questions and Answers

View answers to the most frequently asked questions about the Meerzicht panel below.

What is the Meerzicht panel?

The Meerzicht Panel is a digital group of residents of the Meerzicht neighborhood who want to participate in thinking about issues affecting the neighborhood. The group of people receive questions by e-mail.

How can I sign up for the Meerzicht panel?

Sign up can be done through the sign-up form or through the QR code in the letter sent to residents of the Meerzicht neighborhood in late May. You can sign up until June 20, 2024.

I don't have an email address. Can I participate then?

No. The questions are sent to an e-mail address.

May I ask other people in the neighborhood to join in as well?

Yes, you can. These people must live in Meerzicht and then register first. There is no maximum number of panel participants. The more residents from Meerzicht, the better.

How do I unsubscribe?

With every questionnaire you receive, you can unsubscribe from the Meerzicht panel. You will then no longer receive questions in your mailbox.

Can I respond to the questions more than once?

No. It is not possible to respond more than 1 time per questionnaire. So maximum 1 person per email address.

What about privacy?

We do not ask for names or addresses. We ask only for e-mail address, zip code and year of birth. It is impossible to link these data to a person. The reason we ask for year of birth and zip code is so we know if the participants are well distributed across the neighborhood in terms of age and area. If you want to stop as a participant we will delete your data.

Who asks the questions?

The questions come from the municipality. But the municipality also works with other organizations in the Meerzicht neighborhood such as housing corporations, police and inZet. If they have questions for Meerzicht residents, the municipality works with them in preparing the questions.

How many questions do you get?

It varies by topic. We don't want to ask too many questions. So a maximum of 10 questions per topic.

Is the Meerzicht panel sufficient to get a good picture of neighborhood opinion?

The Meerzicht panel is primarily designed to get an idea of what is going on. This will never be complete. But by asking residents questions, a better picture will emerge.

Can you respond anonymously?

Yes, answers are always anonymous. We do not ask for names or addresses. We only ask for email address, zip code and year of birth. That way we know if the participants are well distributed across the neighborhood.

From what age can I participate in the Meerzicht panel?

If you are 16 years of age or older.

What happens to the answers to the questions asked?

Questions are asked to gauge opinions. Or to get a better idea of how something is perceived or experienced. We use the answers as advice for projects or policies in the neighborhood.

Will I be told what happens to my answers?

A summary of the results of each survey is prepared. We will post this on You will receive an e-mail with a link to this summary.

Can anyone provide their own topic?

No, it is not possible to supply your own topic.

Can I still participate in participation meetings if I am on the resident panel?

The Meerzicht panel is not a substitute for public participation. Also because responding to the questions is anonymous. In participation, you are not anonymous.

What is the difference between the Meerzicht panel and the Zoetermeer panel?

The Meerzicht panel only asks questions about the Meerzicht neighborhood. The Zoetermeer resident panel is for questions that are important for the entire city.

Can I be a member of the Zoetermeer panel and the Meerzicht panel?

Yes you can. You can be a member of both the Zoetermeer panel and the Meerzicht panel.