Olof Palmelaan Mosque

From the Zoetermeer Muslim community there is a need for an Islamic cultural center/mosque on the east side of Zoetermeer. The initiator for the construction of a mosque is the Stichting Islamitisch Centrum Zoetermeer (ICZ). In 2014, the sales agreement for a piece of land on Olof Palmelaan, next to the fire department, was signed by ICZ and the college.

State of affairs January 2025

ICZ's contractor, Masjid Construction Group started construction in December 2022. The building is scheduled for completion in 2025. About the construction, local residents received a letter in November 2022 and October 2023. You can find these at the bottom of the documents. Do you have questions or comments about the work? Please contact the contractor at info@masjidbouw.nl.

Parking spaces for visitors to the Islamic center will be created in the grass verge along the Praxis in February 2025. The surrounding businesses have received a letter about this.

Design mosque

In April 2018, ICZ presented the design of the mosque to local residents. It also addressed topics such as parking, design of the public area and the procedure for amending the zoning plan. These topics are detailed below under frequently asked questions. Read the report of the meeting here.

20180412 - Impression mosque Olof Palmelaan

Frequently Asked Questions

Who will build the mosque?

The initiator of the construction of a new mosque in Zoetermeer is Stichting Islamitisch Centrum Zoetermeer, ICZ for short. For more information about ICZ, visit the website www.stichtingicz.nl.

What kind of organization is ICZ?

ICZ is a foundation established by Islamic residents of Zoetermeer. ICZ organizes religious, educational, social and cultural activities for the Zoetermeer Muslims, but is also open to dissenters and non-believers. ICZ has no ties to extremist parties and also actively distances itself from extremist ideas.

Where exactly will the mosque be located?

The mosque will be built on Olof Palmelaan in Oosterheem, on the piece of land on the corner next to the fire department, see also the map.

Why is a mosque coming to this very spot?

ICZ has indicated to the municipality the need for an additional place of worship in one of Zoetermeer's eastern neighborhoods. There is already a mosque on the west side of Zoetermeer, namely in Meerzicht. Following ICZ's request, the municipality has investigated which locations on the east side of Zoetermeer are suitable for the construction of a mosque. The plot of land on the Olof Palmelaan emerged as a possible suitable location because it is on the edge of a residential area, which means there is enough space to build the mosque. In addition, there is room to create sufficient parking spaces for visitors to the mosque, and there is sufficient parking available on Olof Palmelaan (in the shoulder of the Praxis) for visitors during crowded gatherings such as during Ramadan.

What will the mosque look like?

ICZ has chosen a modern contemporary designed Dutch building that suits these times and Zoetermeer. They deliberately chose a building with no minaret and no call to prayer. Read the architect's explanation of the design here.

For whom is the mosque intended?

The mosque is primarily intended for Muslims from the Oosterheem, Seghwaert and Palenstein neighborhoods but ICZ also aims to create a meeting place where Muslims and non-Muslims from all over Zoetermeer can meet.

When is the mosque coming?

Construction of the mosque will begin in December 2022. Completion is scheduled for 2025.

Where is ICZ currently located?

ICZ now rents a space in the multipurpose building at Zanzibarplein and a space on Hodenpijlstraat in Oosterheem at fixed times during the week.

Why is the municipality cooperating with the plan for a new mosque in Zoetermeer?

The Zoetermeer Muslim community currently does not have enough prayer space, especially in the Oosterheem, Seghwaert and Palenstein neighborhoods. Every faith community has a right to a place in the city, so they are free to apply to the municipality for a permit to build a prayer room.

How many Muslims are there in Oosterheem?

It is not known exactly how many Muslims live in Oosterheem. This kind of data is not recorded anywhere. ICZ does indicate that enough Muslims live together in the Oosterheem, Seghwaert and Palenstein neighborhoods to want to build an additional mosque. The mosque to be built will accommodate up to 200 people.

There are 200 prayer places in the mosque, are they filled every Friday?

No, ICZ certainly does not expect 200 people during prayer services on an "ordinary" Friday. The 200 places of worship will be realized mainly to accommodate worshippers during special Islamic holidays.

What exactly is going to happen at the mosque?

ICZ wants to build a multipurpose center. There will be a prayer room (the actual mosque), where Muslims can attend Islamic prayer services. There will also be spaces where ICZ plans to offer activities such as homework assistance, language and integration courses and meetings on topics such as safety, citizenship and health.

Can I object to the mosque coming?

That possibility is no longer there. On April 20, 2020, the city council made a decision on the zoning plan. Subsequently, the college granted the environmental permit to ICZ and issued the Olof Palmelaan traffic decree. A direct appeal to the Administrative Law Division of the Council of State was possible for these three decisions. Several local residents took advantage of this. The Council of State ruled on September 15, 2021 and declared the appeal unfounded.

Will there be enough parking spaces?

Yes, parking spaces will be provided on the mosque's own property and on an adjacent property. The number of parking spaces being constructed is also required according to the municipal parking policy. In addition, in order to cope with the traffic during special moments and Islamic holidays, (overflow) parking spaces will be constructed in the grass verge near the Praxis, on grass concrete tiles. For parking, the highest parking standard for religious buildings from the 2012 Parking Standards and Implementation Rules Memorandum is adhered to. This parking standard corresponds to the highest parking standard recommended by the national knowledge institute CROW based on experience figures elsewhere. See also the drawing parking mosque.

How will you solve parking if there are 200 visitors?

As with all initiatives in Zoetermeer, the applicable parking policy applies. This also specifically includes standards for a house of worship. The 'high standard' is therefore applied here.

Adequate parking will be provided for regular visitors at the mosque. If there are more visitors, this may be an issue on special occasions and holidays, such as during Ramadan. Sufficient public parking will soon be available on Olof Palmelaan to meet the parking needs at those (peak) times by the municipality installing parking spaces on grass concrete tiles on the Praxis verge. The previously presented solution for public parking spaces on Galvanistraat (Dwarstocht) has thus been dropped.

Will trees be cut down?

Yes, in order to implement the building plan and construct parking spaces, it is necessary to cut down some trees. See drawing of trees to be cut down. Trees will also be replanted based on the current design.

The mosque was supposed to come to the Roggeakker in Seghwaert, right?

There has indeed been talk of that. ICZ bought a piece of land from the municipality on Roggeakker in 2012 to build a mosque. However, because of the zoning plan, ICZ could not erect the building on that site that ICZ wanted at that time. Therefore, a possible new location was sought with the municipality. When ICZ was delivered the land on Olof Palmelaan in 2022, the municipality bought back the land on Roggeakker.

With this, the most frequently asked questions about the Roggeakker location that were previously on the website are no longer applicable. These questions have therefore been removed from the website.

What has happened since 2013?

The board of mayor and aldermen has been in talks with ICZ in 2013 about the possibility of building a mosque on Olof Palmelaan in Oosterheem, on the piece of land on the corner next to the fire department. On Nov. 22, 2013, the college made ICZ a final offer to sell this land. ICZ indicated on January 31, 2014 that it wished to accept this offer. On March 18, 2014, the land sale agreement was signed by ICZ and the college. The college also bought back the land previously sold to ICZ on the Roggeakker. On May 28, 2019, the college agreed to a2nd extension of the purchase agreement between ICZ and the college until June 1, 2021. ICZ submitted an environmental permit application to the municipality on August 21, 2018. On December 4, 2018, the college decided to start the spatial procedure.

This was followed in April 2020 by an amended zoning plan, a granted environmental permit to Stichting Islamitisch Centrum Zoetermeer (ICZ) and a traffic decree for Olof Palmelaan with the possibility to appeal these decisions to the Council of State. The spatial procedure was completed on September 15, 2021, following a ruling by the Council of State declaring the appeal against these decisions unfounded. 

What is the municipality doing to inform me?

The municipality values careful communication with the surrounding area. Therefore, the municipality informed direct stakeholders by letter immediately when the Olof Palmelaan site came into view as a possible location for the mosque. As soon as there are new developments, we will again immediately inform interested parties by letter. Other interested parties can read the information on this website, www.zoetermeer.nl/moskee.

If you have any questions or suggestions of your own, we cordially invite you to contact us. This can be done in the following ways:

  • through the contact form 
  • via postal address: Municipality of Zoetermeer, PO Box 15, 2700 AA Zoetermeer
  • via the municipality's general telephone number: 14 079
  • by emailing projectenpmv@zoetermeer.nl
