Subarea 5a, South Flank Nederlandlaan
When the City Heart was built in the 1980s, the focus was on building and experiencing the retail side of the promenade on the raised ground level. Different types of users have their own layer. The area was designed as an inward-looking residential area.
The result is that in a number of places in the Stadshart, unattractive and uneasy areas have been created where it feels as if the city is not "finished. In addition, due to a dominant traffic loop and the placement of P5 (Parking Garage Amsterdamstraat), the development possibilities of the location are very limited. Removing the loop and demolishing the P5 parking garage will create space for development.
The task is to finish and repair the urban area, create meaningful public space and exploit the potential of the area. Given the size of the area, there is a lot of room for housing development in various manifestations.
The desired program consists of stacked housing and ground-level urban housing for target groups with an urban lifestyle. In the urban plinth there is room for additional commercial and social facilities and live-work units.
To get a good flow of the Stadshart as a whole, it is important to create a pleasant and comfortable bicycle and pedestrian connection from the area of Promenadeplein to the south across the RandstadRail.
Learn more
For more information on this subarea, visit the downtown website: | Zuidflank Nederlandlaan