In the second half of the 1980s, young Dutch architects took a renewed interest in the aesthetics of modernism, especially in the "pioneering period" between the 2 world wars. In Zoetermeer, this style is common in Rokkeveen-West, Noordhove and Oosterheem.

At first architects quoted pre-war modernism quite literally, (for example, in the lightly plastered strip buildings in Rokkeveen-Oost), but in the 1990s neomodernism becomes less strict in its doctrine. The abstract, box-like forms remain, but they are increasingly combined with contemporary forms, techniques, materials and color patterns. Neomodernism focuses heavily on outward display.

High-tech and supermodernism

Neomodernism also includes high-tech architecture, in which construction and new building techniques determine the design of the building. Supermodernism produces rather extreme buildings in which a particular idea, or a solution to a design problem, is extremely magnified and elevated to the status of the image of the entire building.


example 1-9: neomodernist style example 2-9: neomodernist style example 3-9: neomodernist style example 4-9: neomodernist style example 5-9: neomodernist style example 6-9: neomodernist style example 7-9: neomodernist style example 8-9: neomodernist style example 9-9: neomodernist style