New skate park in Oosterheem opened

The new skate spot in the Heempark in Oosterheem was festively opened on June 12 by schoolchild Jelte and Mayor Michel Bezuijen. The municipality constructed the skate park for young children following a signature campaign by Jelte, which was signed over 600 times. Neighbors were able to enjoy a BMX clinic and a skate lesson by youngsters from the neighborhood during the opening.

Two years ago, then 9-year-old Jelte collected 640 signatures for a new skate spot in the neighborhood. Mayor Bezuijen and Alderman Ter Laak of Zoetermeer are enthusiastic about Jelte's initiative. District alderman Ter Laak: "It's wonderful that the neighborhood thinks along about the livability of the neighborhood." Mayor Bezuijen adds that Jelte really had a good story as to why this skate park should come about: "Children should be able to play outside in Zoetermeer. We from the municipality are happy to cooperate with that."

Together with design agency OFFMA, Jelte and his classmates from Het Noorderlicht elementary school created a design for the skate park. Neighbors contributed ideas for a suitable spot in the neighborhood. The result is a low-threshold skate spot where children from 6 to 12 years can step, skate, skateboard or BMX. In addition to the skate park, an urban chess table has also been constructed.

Photos: Patricia Munster