Emergency Shelter - Security

Is there a general phone number for local residents available for questions or complaints?

COA has an information line: 088-715 7000. COA also has its own web page with information about the location and contact details of the emergency shelter in Zoetermeer: www.coa.nl |Zoetermeer - Rokkeveenseweg.

What about surveillance in the neighborhood, around the emergency shelter and at the tunnel?

The municipality maintains public order and safety in the area through the BOAs (police employees). During a regular safety meeting, the municipality, COA and police discuss the situation around the emergency shelter. If necessary, they can take measures. Security is present in the reception centre 24 hours a day. COA provides this. COA and the municipality make every effort to ensure a liveable and safe situation, both inside and outside the reception location.

The situation around the tunnels near the prison was looked at separately. In some places, the municipality is going to improve lighting. There is no camera surveillance.

When people in the shelter commit crimes, the same rules naturally apply as for residents who commit crimes. For an emergency shelter resident, causing a nuisance may mean that the resident has to go to another shelter.